Sunday 09 March 2025

Sunday 09 March 2025


Ongoing Water Leak!

13/02/2025 16:09:36

Remember this?! It's not over yet!

Remember the Ferry Road water leak outside Iwade Village Hall. The one where there were temporary traffic lights for a year and then they closed the road completely so no traffic, Southern Water dug it up (well contractors for Southern Water) and then diverted the leak and said it wasn't theirs! According to the January Parish Council minutes "Kent County Council (KCC) have inspected the site and advised the water tested positive for chlorine. Southern Water also carried out an investigation and their water test did not show any traces of chlorine. " - agreed to ask KCC to carry out an independent review of the water test and involve the press. So basically noone wants to spend the money to fix it!

Next Big Iwade Development

13/02/2025 16:02:00

Click on the image and search on 19/503974 the full application is currently 11th in search results

The next big planned Iwade housing development (not disregarding the Dunlin Way development in progress) includes a country park and a new community hall and has planning for up to 466 dwellings. Building Work cannot begin until the amendments to planning have been permitted. Comments from Iwade Parish Council on the community hall have been addressed. Councillors also commented "Following a housing needs survey it was highlighted that bungalows are needed in the village and Road infrastructure, more schools and doctors are needed to accommodate the increase in residents in the area. ". Watch this space

Iwade Road Opening Delayed

13/02/2025 12:31:00

Click on the image to read the latest newsletter

The "normal" road into and out of Iwade, to/from Kemsley/Asda remains closed, now due to reopen 21st February 2025, the reasons for the delay in the latest newsletter from the Project Team comprising Jacksons Civils, Kent County Council and Homes England are due to locating service mains pipes and finding the old disused ones. This has resulted in the extension of the Grovehurst Road north closure. For further enquiries, please send an email to or call the Jackson PLO on 07811 941681 and watch this space for any further delays :-(


Read the February 2025 Iwade Observer >>
Well done Team Iwade Observer!


Read the January 2025 Iwade Parish Council minutes online >>