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Iwade What's On

Iwade What's On

<March 2025>
6am Brown Bin
6am Green Bin
9:30am Church Open
8am Boxing Fitness
9:15am Little Lions Football
4pm Micropub
10:30am Church
10:30am Friendship Club
9am Toddler Group
9:30am Men's Breakfast
2pm Craft Club
7pm Hayley's Yoga
7:30pm Singing Chanting and Drumming
6:20pm Adi's Bootcamp
10:30am Rhymetime
7:30pm Guitar Group
6am Blue Bin
9:30am Craft Club
11:30am Monster Trucks!

Friday 28 March 2025 6:00
Green Bin

Green Bin Day for non-recyclable household waste every other Friday not forgetting your black and orange food bin. Extra waste can go in black sacks next to your bin. Small electricals can go in a carrier bag next to your bin.

Check out the bin icon at the top of each page to see which bin to put out! Not forgetting your food bin!

Click here to go to Swale Borough Council website Bins pages.

Put your bins out by 7am on the day.

Get in touch>>>

Friday 28 March 2025 6:00
Brown Bin

Brown Bin Day every other Friday, same day as Green Bin Day!

Click here for Garden Waste section on Swale.gov.uk.

Put your bins out by 7am on the day.

Get in touch>>>

Friday 28 March 2025 9:30
Church Open & Foodbank Donations

All Saint's is open every weekday including Bank Holidays daylight hours so 9am to 4pm for Quiet Reflection and Swale Foodbank donations. For Foodbank, non-perishable food and toilettries please thank you!

Get in touch>>>

Saturday 29 March 2025 8:00
Boxing Fitness

Boxing Fitness every Saturday morning 8am-9am at Iwade Village Hall with Fuzzy Studio £10 per person 16 and over - book online at fuzzy.studio classes limited to 14

Saturday 29 March 2025 9:15
Little Lions Football

At Iwade Village Hall on Saturday mornings for young children aged 1.5 to 5, split into sessions by age 1.5-2.5, 2.5-3.5 and 3.5-5,

Find out more or book online at littlelionsfootball.co.uk

Saturday 29 March 2025 16:00
Shepherd's Crook Micropub

The Shepherd's Crook is back!

Every last Saturday of the month from January 2023, from 3pm to 9pm.

Please come along and help raise money for the barn, whilst having some great drink with good company.

Get in touch>>>

Sunday 30 March 2025 10:30
Family Worship

10.30am every Sunday (except the last Sunday of the month which is normally a joint Benefice service at one of the Six) at All Saints Church Iwade, all are welcome to Family Worship, hope to see you there.

Get in touch>>>

Monday 31 March 2025 10:30
Iwade Friendship Club

Friendship Club is a lively and sociable fortnightly Monday morning get-together for Iwade residents of a certain age! There is often a talk or an activity or just enjoy a chat and a hot drink for £1.50. 10.15am to 12 midday at Iwade Barn. Keep an eye on the What's On for the next Monday Friendship Club.

Get in touch>>>

Tuesday 1 April 2025 9:00
Parent and Toddler

Iwade Parent and Toddler Group is on every Tuesday morning in term-time from 9am to 11am Iwade Village Hall. Now run by Tinkerbells thank you Tinkerbells for keeping it going! £2.50 for the first child and 50p for each additional child.

Get in touch>>>

Tuesday 1 April 2025 9:30
Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is every first Tuesday of the month at Iwade Barn, why not pop along and enjoy a breakfast and a cuppa and meet some friends in the village, all welcome.

Get in touch>>>

Tuesday 1 April 2025 14:00
Iwade Crafters

Every Friday 9 .30am - 11.30am at the Woolpack and Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm at Iwade Barn (a monthly charge of £5 at the barn), keen crafters get together to craft and chat crafts and allsorts!. Drop Brenda a text on 07963 431 675 to find out more about popping along.

Get in touch>>>

Tuesday 1 April 2025 19:00
Hayley's Yoga

Normally every Tuesday evening 7pm at Iwade Barn, pre-booking essential.

Get in touch>>>

Tuesday 1 April 2025 19:30
Rustic Notes Singing, Chanting & Drumming

Come and join us for an evening of songs, chants and drumming. Learn how we can combine the traditional hand-held drum with voice and movement incorporating much fun and laughter. Feel the energy of the drums and sounds blend together to bring a total well-being.

We also invite you to get involved and bring any songs or chants you would like us to use. You do not need to be able to sing or know how to drum to take part, it will not be a starchy evening, but relaxed with the aim to enjoy it.

Please bring your own hand-held drum if you have one. We have a limited number of frame drums available to borrow – please make sure you let us know when booking your ticket if you need to borrow a drum. Bring your own drinking water, comfortable clothes and the ability to laugh.

Do book your tickets just £5 to cover hall hire - book online here

Wednesday 2 April 2025 18:20
Bootcamp Fitness with Adi

Iwade Bootcamp Fitness sessions are every Wednesday 18.20hrs (for 18.30hrs) meeting at the Stangate Drive/Chetney View park. All fitness levels welcome. Pay as you go.

Get in touch>>>

Thursday 3 April 2025 10:30
Rhyme Time

Baby Rhyme Time at Mews Brews Iwade termtime Thursdays 10.30am

Get in touch>>>

Thursday 3 April 2025 19:30
Guitar Group

Guitar Group meets at Iwade Barn every Thursday evening 7.30pm-9pm. All ages all abilities welcome. Relaxed group get in touch or pop along.

Get in touch>>>

Friday 4 April 2025 6:00
Blue Bin

Blue Bin Day for recycling every other Friday not forgetting your black and orange food bin. Extra recycling can go in clear bags by the bin. Textiles can also be put out in carrier bags next to your bin.

Check out the bin icon at the top of each page to see which bin to put out! Not forgetting your food bin!

Click here to go to Swale Borough Council website Bins pages.

Put your bins out by 7am on the day.

Get in touch>>>

Friday 4 April 2025 9:30
Iwade Crafters

Every Friday 9 .30am - 11.30am at the Woolpack and Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm at Iwade Barn (a monthly charge of £5 at the barn), keen crafters get together to craft and chat crafts and allsorts!. Drop Brenda a text on 07963 431 675 to find out more about popping along.

Get in touch>>>

Sunday 6 April 2025 11:30
LTK'S Monster Truck Madness

At Iwade Village Hall, 1st session SEN 11.30-12.30, then 1pm-2pm children £6.50 adults £2

Come and join for a heap of fun! A hall full of lots of hot wheels and monster jam monstertrucks, sand, slime, ramps, tracks, colouring and more!

Check out Facebook page LTKS Monstertruck Madness also on Instagram ltksmonstertruckmadness24

Wednesday 16 April 2025 14:00
Coffee and Card

Join Hilary Foulds to make a special hand made card in Iwade Barn at one of her monthly Coffee and Card events 2-4pm. £5. Cost includes all materials, use of tools as well as a drink and delicious cupcake at half time. All welcome. Contact Hilary by email on hilary.foulds@hotmail.co.uk to get booked on or for queries or find Hilary Foulds on Facebook and drop her a Facebook message.

Thursday 8 May 2025 12:00
VE Day

Wednesday 21 May 2025 14:00
Coffee and Card

Join Hilary Foulds to make a special hand made card in Iwade Barn at one of her monthly Coffee and Card events 2-4pm. £5. Cost includes all materials, use of tools as well as a drink and delicious cupcake at half time. All welcome. Contact Hilary by email on hilary.foulds@hotmail.co.uk to get booked on or for queries or find Hilary Foulds on Facebook and drop her a Facebook message.

Iwade What's On Directory | Calendar >>>



featured advertiser

Beaver Scouts is the section of the Scouting movement for boys and girls between the ages of 6yrs-8yrs and we meet 6pm-7pm, Monday evenings at Iwade Village Hall (termtime only). Get in touch if you would like to find out more about signing up your young person or becoming an adult volunteer

Bootcamp Fitness with Adi

Adi Escritt

featured advertiser

Iwade Bootcamp Fitness sessions are every Wednesday 18.20hrs (for 18.30hrs) meeting at the Stangate Drive/Chetney View park. All fitness levels welcome. Pay as you go.

Brogdale CIC (Community Interest Company)

featured advertiser

Community organisation supporting young people in Iwade. Watch out for the Vibe van!


Fiona Whiskin

featured advertiser

Brownies is for girls aged 7 to 10 years and is on Wednesdays 5pm to 6.30pm at Iwade Village Hall term-time only. Do get in touch if your child is interested in joining.



featured advertiser

Cub Scouts is the section of the Scouting movement for boys and girls between the ages of 8yrs-10.5yrs and we meet 7pm-8:15pm, Monday evenings at Iwade Village Hall (termtime only). Get in touch if you would like to find out more about signing up your young person or becoming an adult volunteer

Elite Dance Company

featured advertiser

Elite Dance Company run Gymnastics, Dance and Musical Theatre classes in Iwade throughout the week so get in touch to find out what classes are on when or check out their website or facebook page.

Guitars Group

featured advertiser

Guitar Group meets at Iwade Barn every Thursday evening 7.30pm-9pm. All ages all abilities welcome. Relaxed group get in touch or pop along.

Iwade Allotment Association

Ron Francis

featured advertiser

The Iwade Allotment Association site is at the end of Elm Tree Avenue Iwade there tends to be a short waiting list but do get in touch if you are interested in an allotment.

Iwade Crafters

Brenda Nash / Karen Tolhurst

featured advertiser

Every Friday 9 .30am - 11.30am at the Woolpack and Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm at Iwade Barn (a monthly charge of £5 at the barn), keen crafters get together to craft and chat crafts and allsorts!. Drop Brenda a text on 07963 431 675 to find out more about popping along.

Iwade Friendship Club

featured advertiser

Friendship Club is a lively and sociable fortnightly Monday morning get-together for Iwade residents of a certain age! There is often a talk or an activity or just enjoy a chat and a hot drink for £1.50. 10.15am to 12 midday at Iwade Barn. Keep an eye on the What's On for the next Monday Friendship Club.

Iwade Herons Football Club

featured advertiser

Iwade Herons Football Club is well established in Iwade and currently has teams ranging from Under 6's to Under 13's - get in touch to find out more.

Iwade Rock Festival

Keith Reynolds

Event Director

featured advertiser

Established in 2011 Iwade Rock is infamous in Iwade and around getting bigger and better every time.

Iwade Speedway Mini Track

featured advertiser

A speedway training track perfect for all ages and abilities with their own equipment. Practice sessions are run on a regular basis with all info on booking in announced prior to the date.

The aim of the track is to provide a safe and fun environment for children to learn how to ride motorbikes correctly with instructors on hand should anyone need them. We also provide adult pit bike events during the winter months.

Iwade Village Food and Craft Fayre

featured advertiser

Iwade Food and Craft Fayre is normally every second Sunday of the month at Iwade Village Hall 10am to 1pm. Why not go along and support local handmade businesses! For stallholders it's worth getting in touch with fayre@iwadevillagehall.co.uk for booking information and to see what space is available, indoor or outdoor. Note that outdoor stall spaces require you to provide your own table and gazebo :-)

Karate Club

Amanda Claridge

featured advertiser

Wednesdays at Iwade School - 5-6pm beginners (9th-8th kyu) 6.15-7.15pm advanced (8th kyu +). Classes are £4 and are term time only.

Medway Model Flying Club

Phil Fearn (Chair) Adrian Hawley (Club Sec)

featured advertiser

Medway Model Flying club started in 1974 in Gillingham but without land and has been flying near the Solar Farm at Iwade since 1980. After flying from June Thomas's land at Raspberry Hill over the back of the Woolpack, Mr Doubleday Senior offered a field where the club continue to fly to this day and the club is extremely grateful. Hence Medway club based in Swale! We fly most types of models including fixed wing, helicopters and drones. We currently have spaces for members both experienced and novice. Check out our Facebook page for more info and club pics or come and visit us if you are interested in joining and flying or learning to fly a model.

Men's Breakfast Club

Ron Francis

featured advertiser

Every first Tuesday of the month at Iwade Barn, Iwade Men's Breakfast Club always have sausage and bacon butties and coffee or tea and often have a speaker or activity. All welcome, 9.30-11.30am @ the Barn. £2 including breakfast.

Parent and Toddler

Donna Barker

featured advertiser

Iwade Parent and Toddler Group is on every Tuesday morning in term-time from 9am to 11am Iwade Village Hall. Now run by Tinkerbells thank you Tinkerbells for keeping it going! £2.50 for the first child and 50p for each additional child.

Pop Up Micro Pub

The Shepherd's Crook

featured advertiser

Popup Micropub at Iwade Barn, starting back Friday 16th December 2022, then the last Saturday of the month from January 2023. From 4-9pm why not give it a try


Julie Stoneman

featured advertiser

Rainbows is on Mondays from 4.30-5.40pm at Iwade Village Hall in term-time. There is a long waiting list currently so do get your child on the waiting list as soon as you can. Rainbows urgently need volunteers so do get in touch if you can help.

Reading and Book Group

Hilary Foulds

featured advertiser

Iwade Reading and Book Group get together on the second Tuesday of the month at Iwade Barn at 10.30am. Everyone most welcome so why not go along, drinks and a slice of cake!



featured advertiser

Scouts is the section of the Scouting movement for boys and girls between the ages of 10.5yrs - 14yrs and we meet 7pm-9pm, Monday evenings at Iwade Village Hall (termtime only). Get in touch if you would like to find out more about signing up your young person or becoming an adult volunteer

Swale Ladies Who Latte

Tania Emery

featured advertiser

Swale Ladies Who Latte are an intimate local networking group who meet at The Barn Iwade on the third Wednesday of the month from 10am to midday. All welcome! We aim to support, share, advise, help, inspire, grow and share our successes!!! £3 per person.

Yoga (Hayleys Bloom Yoga)

Hayley Clinton

featured advertiser

Normally every Tuesday evening at Iwade Barn, 7pm, prebooking essential